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Subaward agreement

York University has been awarded a grant (Grant No. 109981-001) from the International Development Research Centre (“Sponsor”) which is governed by the Agreement commencing on August 1, 2022 (“Agreement”) (Appendix A) for the following project:

Project Entitled:

Artificial Intelligence applications

To support Epidemic and Pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response (AI4PEP); Controlling re-emerging and emerging infectious diseases using a digital one-health approach in Cameroon

Objective 1

Project initiation; planning; baseline; Research on health technology preparedness for prevention; preparedness; and response to emerging and reemerging infectious disease outbreaks; Research on attitude towards health technology adoption; development of AI algorithms and manuals, signing of MOU; data collection and analysis, mobile app development; recruitment and training of home healthcare nurses; deployment; testing sensitization and education campaigns; attending seminars for data dissemination; training of rural populations over the 10 regions of Cameroon; Acquisition, design, deployment and training, of 4 Health Information System (Year 1)

Objective 2:

Data analysis, refining of AI algorithms, continuation with Pilot phase, WhatsApp conversational interfaces on maternal health, WhatsApp conversational interfaces on a disease – HIV/AIDS, Mobile application that provides personalized health information to people, based on their health profiles – Domain: maternal health, Visualization of health statistics of the South-West Region of Cameroon, Visualization of health statistics of the other regions of Cameroon, develop and maintain a plan for scaling up the AI based home healthcare program in other districs, monitoring and evaluation, write ups, attend seminars for data dissemination (Year 2)

Objective 3:

Mobile application that provides personalized health information to people, based on their health profiles – Domain: HIV/AIDS, Risk management, finance management, Research on the impact of technology readiness towards health technologies on health technology adoption, , Research on the impact of attitude towards health technologies on health technology adoption, Satisfaction survey on newly introduced health technologies, mid term evaluation, scaling and improvement, write ups, organise and/or attend at least a Conference for dissemination of findings (Year 3)

Objective 4

Research: Development of various predictive AI methods based on patient-level data collected data at health institutions, Risk management, finance management, scaling and improvement, monitoring, write ups, conduct outreach and education campaigns to raise more awareness about the benefits of the AI- based home health care program and promote its adoption in underserved and remote areas (Year 4)

Objective 5

Risk management, finance management, scaling and improvement, end line monitoring and evaluation, workshops with stakeholder to develop policy documents, write ups, attend conference for dissemination of findings (Year 5)

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